The Highlight Of Train Travel – Good Food!

Travel is among one of the many joys of life. Traveling by train is considered a rite of passage for backpackers in Europe. While in US, train travel is not very ‘in’, in India, it is still among the main ways to travel. For most travelers, it beats air travel hands down.

Siren’s call

There are lots of pluses with train travel and these are really appealing to the intrepid traveler.

The most beneficial aspect of course is the cost of train travel which is usually a fraction of what air travel would cost you. Also, train ticket prices are not as volatile as air tickets, so you wouldn’t have to spend time in searching for the cheapest fares like you would with air travel.

When you think of train travel, you always associate it in your head with old films. Somehow its charm is quite nostalgic in nature and not one air travel journey can hold a candle to its charisma.

Most air travelers are budget conscious and fly economy. You are crammed into matchbox sized seats where you spend hours fidgeting to get even an iota of comfort. In comparison train seats are much roomier, and if you go for a full berth, you can stretch out easily and watch movies, play games, or read an entire novel in relative peace.

When it comes to scenic glories, just think of road or air travel and then think of train travel. With miles and miles of tracks set in country sides, far away from the hustle and bustle of cities and metros, you are assured of gorgeous panoramas of mesmerizing natural beauty of mountains, rivers, and hills – right from your train seat window. Most travelers who are not obsessed about just getting from point A to point B go gaga over the journey that takes them there, all steeped in natural vistas.

Does your heart jump into the throat every time the plane moves through air pockets or turbulence? Most people grab onto to the seat handles and send up quick prayers to the lord for safety. While meditation and prayer is good for the soul, there is no need to go to such extremes – just take a train instead since these are calm and smooth, and without any turbulence. So you can rest easy.

Travel and Food Services

Now comes food.

There are many ecatering companies that deliver excellent quality food right at your seat. You just have to search online to encounter a veritable deluge of excellent quality food joints that are champing at the bit to serve you mouthwatering dishes of your choice.

So, what do you have to do?

• Select the catering company

• Peruse the menu

• Fill in the journey details

• Place the order

• Make the payment

Done! No fuss, no muss.

The catering companies take a lot of care to ensure that your food is super tasty and reaches you while smoking hot so that you can truly enjoy your train journey!

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